Our Process
Hi - thanks for your enquiry! Let's have a look & see what can be done!
Initial Meeting / Consultation: Charged at £150.00 [VAT not applicable]
• We'll arrange a mutually convenient date / time to visit your property.
• We'll email you an invoice, with payment to be made before this visit.
• The visit will last approximately 1 to 2 hours, and will be a combined site visit and consultation with ITH - to view your home, to discuss your requirements for the property and establish possible design options and solutions to achieve these.
• We'll make preliminary investigations to check feasibility, discuss statutory processes, timeframes, scope of ITH services, requirements for third party professionals and specialists - and a lot of other things!
• A couple of days later we'll email you a follow-up report confirming details of our discussions, and a fixed quote to undertake the work.
• The report forms our 'Brief' when you appoint us.
• We'll deliver 2 copies of our Contract and Conditions for you to sign.
• One copy is for you to keep in your file, one is to be kept by ITH - this will then authorise us to commence work under your instruction.
• It's thirsty work, so a white tea, or a black coffee [neither with sugar] would be much appreciated if you happen to have the kettle on!
• And we're also rather partial to chocolate brownies if you really want to impress us... ;)
Website by In The Hat Architecture
All content © In The Hat Architecture